The be-all and end-all

Life's sweet and sour surprises!

About Me

I am a 22 year old girl from India. I’m an MBA student but still manage to find time for blogging.
I love books, music, and movies! And I really love to connect to people with similar interests and also with not-so-similar-interests. I feel there’s always something to learn from each and everybody.
Thank you for passing by my blog and follow me so that I know you and follow you back and may it be an interesting exchange of knowledge and thoughts!

P.S. My facebook page: (Do like it 😉 )

27 responses to “About Me

  1. Jill London says:

    Hi! I nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Here is a link to the post on my blog: no strings attached, I just love your blog. I hope you like it and hope to hear more from you again!


  2. Jill London says:

    I’ve just been presented with the Super Sweet Award and wanted to present it to you! I hope you don’t mind, I know you’re really busy right now, so don’t rush to accept or worry if you can’t post about it. I just thought Super Sweet blogger = you! 🙂 If you would like to accept it it’s here: To do with as you wish. You’re such a sweet blogger I thought of you straight away. With my thanks and best wishes xxx


  3. Hi friend,
    I have nominated you for the “Super Sweet Blogging Award”.
    Feel free to click on the below link if you wish to accept the award and all you need to do is follow the quick and simple rules.
    Well done and congrats for being one of my nominees

    SUPER SWEET AWARD: Sugar and spice…and brains so nice

    – HalfEatenMind


  4. Olga Brajnović says:

    great blog! I’m glad to have find you. Thank you for stopping by my blog vivirquenoespoco and liking my post “fantasy and laughs”.


  5. Aman says:

    I like your blog very much! Its elegantly styled and you write beautifully! 🙂


  6. It’s always fun to blog. Writing poetry? Good for you!!!


  7. annetbell says:

    Today, I am nominating you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Congratulations on your excellent blog! Please visit the following the page for the details.
    Namaste. . . .Anne


  8. acriticist says:

    Heyyyy, Palaaaaakkkk! You remember me? Haha, aye aye captain! 😀


  9. andy1076 says:

    Hi! Thank you for following my blog ^.^/


  10. Hopelessly Romantic Cinderella says:

    Hey honey. I miss your comments at my blog…please pop over sometime :


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